Baby Jogger

The Baby Jogger Company is the original designer and manufacturer of high performance joggers and the all-terrain three-wheel stroller (In the USA, prams are known as strollers or buggies). Baby Jogger was started in 1984 by Phil Baechler, a newspaper journalist, who wanted to be able to spend more time with his new baby son, but not give up his favourite past time of jogging. He quickly discovered that standard carriages were not made to endure the stress of long distance usage over various surfaces, so he designed a specialized stroller with features more conducive to running. He aptly named it the Baby Jogger. The company now also extends its design and build quality to more traditional prams. Baby Jogger’s strollers have been the industry leader for the last 25 years and are world-renowned for their superior quality, innovative designs, agility and simple functionality.